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CARMetal is a user-friendly geometry program with advanced features.

CARMetal is a modified version of the dynamic geometry program C.a.R. (Compass and Ruler), designed to simplify the process of creating geometric figures by eliminating intermediate steps. The interface and features have been optimized for ease of use. The toolbar on the right side of the program offers various elements that can be inserted into the drawing area, including parallels, angles, polygons, segments, and perpendiculars. To draw, simply place the points on the program's surface. CARMetal will provide a virtual image of the line before it is actually drawn, depending on the selected tool. Users can also perform complex mathematical calculations, such as functions and formulas, and add text or obtain information about created points. The project can be exported in different formats, including EPS, SVG, and PNG. Overall, CARMetal streamlines the process of creating geometric figures by providing a user-friendly interface and a range of helpful features for mathematical calculations and exporting projects.

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